Sunday, January 11, 2015


I know this is way off topic but you should make a website....or forum to get your opinion across. I have became partners with a hosting company that has been around since 1998. Go here..Eazy Web Hosting , if you want to put up a website about what ever you want this is the place to go. Want to start a forum about aliens? Maybe a website with video evidence? It is all possible through..Eazy Web Hosting 
if you have any questions just ask..Personal contact info This is how you can get your website up and running and start getting members or followers for as low as $1.99 per month...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Its time we turn it around...

Aliens everyday make our lives harder...sightings cause stress. Abductions cause stress and personal discomfort. No sleep and we all know they show up more after dark.

Everyone needs a few supplies if they think they are going to make it through the next few years....STAYING HEALTHY IS THE BEST WAY

If you are a truth seeker, make a webpage talking about it...CHEAPEST WAY TO GET A WEBSITE ON LINE ...

Let people hear what you have to say, show proof. No one ever has 100% kick ass proof. Be the first and upload it to your own website. Be original and truthful and you really have something.